Hugh Hefner And Girlfriends "The Girls Next Door"
The economy is bad and so to the nudie mag giant Playboy, the shares drop from $11.23 to $2.81, Hef has been given two options by the Playboy top brass: Let some bunnies go or let them all go as soon as this month or go bankrupt.
This is just a bit too much to handle, isn't it?
Telegraph reports, with the economy tanking, YouPorn, and lackluster profits on its pay-per-view flicks. Even worse, it's been reported that 2 Hugh Hefner's girlfriends, Holly Madison and Kendra Wilkinson are cheating on him. Which brings us to the question: how can it be cheating if he has three girlfriends?
Whatever. Is this the end of Playboy?
The chart showing its limping profits
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