Seriously I'm not joking. It seems, Katie Price (Jordan) has been giving us far too much information about her bowel movements.
The reality star says she had such a traumatic experience "giving birth" to a pebble that she now avoids going to the toilet as much as she can.
"Being knocked out that much affected my bowels and my waterworks. I had to have a catheter fitted and I was so blocked that I couldn't go to the toilet for 13 days. My stomach was sticking out like I was seven months pregnant - it was agony.
"They gave my suppositories and all sorts but it just wasn't working. Then when I finally did go it took me three hours to give birth to a pebble! And it killed - it was like labour pains. I'm actually frightened to go to the toilet now."
Craps? Do you ever believe this?
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